slinging weird art into your eyeballs ever since i was a baby homunculus

Brandon @kinjir0


Degenerate Gambler


Joined on 7/12/24

Exp Points:
180 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.09 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2m 3d

kinjir0's News

Posted by kinjir0 - 1 month ago

hey gang,

i know i haven't been here long but i thought i'd let you all in on where i disappeared to after posting everyday since my return to NG.

getting straight to the point.

i have colon cancer.

it's been a bizarre few weeks, filled with tears, scans, bloodwork and even a nasty infection that put me in the hospital for 6 days.

i don't know much right now other than my CT scans showed no cancer in any of my other organs (which i will take as a small victory). we are very much hoping i did catch this early, but regardless of what happens, i'm ready to fight. i'm sure i have a long road ahead of me, but i have the best support group i could ever ask for and they're gonna light the way as i navigate this dark diagnosis.

with all this being said, art will be put on hold for a little while, at least until i have a battle strategy laid out. unfortunately freelance is my main source of income these days so if you'd be interested in supporting me during my cancer journey, all the sales made through my shop, kinjiro.store will go toward my bills as i undergo treatment! i liked this idea better than a gofundme so at least people could get something tangible while also supporting me! no pressure of course, heck, even just sharing the link around goes a long way. so regardless, i can't thank you enough.

i can't wait to get back on my feet and start sharing art again. i hope to see you there!

all the best,

-kin <3


Posted by kinjir0 - July 16th, 2024

It's only been a few days since I returned to NG but I'm already feeling the love! The community has been very welcoming and it's been so fun to share my work with a lot of people that may have not already seen it. It's refreshing to feel that again, so a big thank you to anyone that's reviewed, rated or even followed me in the short time I've been back! It makes me excited to share my work again where I've spent the past couple of years getting suppressed on the usual social platforms.

I have a big backlog of art that I will eventually get all posted here but I'm going to sprinkle in the new stuff as it comes down the pipe as well. Maybe dabble in some quick little animations as well.

Stay Tuned!





Posted by kinjir0 - July 12th, 2024

Well met, traveler:

It's been many years since I've been on newgrounds.com. This website shaped my adolescence and pushed me further into what I love most.


Today I have decided it is time to return to my roots, in hopes of helping other young artists find inspiration into pursuing their own artistic endeavors. Looking forward to sharing my art with this community once again.

See you soon,
